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I am a graduate student by day and photographer by...well by any spare time that I can find.  I have always been drawn to the "small, simple things" in life and have been told by my loved ones that I am extremely observant of my surroundings. I find beauty in things that most people walk by every day without a second look.  It may seem odd to others, but I tend to see emotion pouring out of objects that most people would label inanimate. An old abandoned barn appears full of wisdom and possibly a little lonely. A single drop of dew in the morning seems to be tender and passionate while a  vibrant sunset is exhilarated.  â€‹


Not only do I see emotion in my surroundings, but every photo shoot is an emotional journey for me and there is meaning behind every photo I take. I love that I can look back to each photo and remember how I felt at that moment, what the temperature was, how the breeze felt, and the smell that filled the air. I love even more that my photos may take someone else to a completely different place, be interpreted in a different way, and bring about different emotions. I guess that is the beauty of art. But, if I can explain my photos in one way it is that they are filled with emotions, a story, and so much meaning. When I started to become more serious about photography, I had a single mission: Never take for granted the beauty that surrounds me in my life. 


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